Human sacrifice in the ancient world was a reality. For most of us, this topic is unfathomable. I certainly would not want the job of excavating a site where human sacrifice had taken place. Nor, would I want to even see the pictures. Also, I do not wish to admire antiquities depicting human sacrifice, either. Sadly, our world has been a very dark place, especially, in ancient times. Because mankind was very primitive, they were also gullible toward evil spirits which would have inspired such brutality.


Yet, I pondered the question, “How widespread was the practice of human sacrifice in the ancient world?” However, I realized that there would be no way of knowing the answer to this question. From what has been uncovered by archaeologists, human sacrifice occurred at times throughout history in multiple places. Some historic accounts have been disputed. So, from just the evidence which has been uncovered, human sacrifice occurred in: North America, Central America, South America, Polynesia, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Mid East.



The archaeologists have noted that humans were sacrificed to accompany rulers into the afterlife in some instances. This shows how ruthless some worldly rulers have been toward their people. In our Western World view, the lives of all people have value. This was not the case in many ancient cultures. For an important ruler, servants and sometimes family members were sacrificed and were buried with the deceased ruler. These elaborate graves contained grave goods, sometimes animals, and these other poor souls, intended to serve their ruler in the afterlife.


Other incidences of human sacrifice appear to have been done as a sacrifice to appease a god. This latter type of sacrifice shows the fear which ancient people had of an angry deity. They sacrificed a human or multiple humans to appease their god, in order, to save themselves from doom.


Both of these types of human sacrifice are centered around religious beliefs. Like most people, I would rather not have known about these harsh realities from ancient life. It’s unnerving to realize that people could have ever been so deceived, especially those in positions of power. However, the world’s history has recorded many insane rulers from the time people could write. Yet, throughout the earth, these murderous cultures would either change or disband. Sometimes, they were conquered by others.


When I consider life on earth, I see beauty in the world. I believe that people exhibit true Godly love in the raising of their families. A well parent will lay down his or her life to rescue a child from danger. Both males and females heroically risk their lives to save others from danger on a daily basis. They rush into burning buildings or dive into turbulent waters to rescue those in peril.


Throughout much of the Animal Kingdom, females will risk their own lives to protect their offspring. Porpoises have even been observed coming to the aid of other species. Dogs also loyally protect their human masters with no regard for their own safety.


I believe that this incredible, sacrificial love comes from our Creator. This is why I believe in the story of Jesus. I believe that God wanted to stop these human sacrifices by His confused children of earth by revealing His true nature in Christ. This is why I chose to briefly cover this topic, in order, to comprehend the significance of Christ’s sacrifice for humanity.