Although Christ referenced the teaching of the historic Jews about the first people, He was citing the pharisees’ hypocrisy toward this story. Because the Law of Moses allowed the men to legally divorce their wives, Christ pointed out that divorce was not consistent with their beliefs. (Matthew 19:3-9) The man and the woman became one by God’s design, according to their Genesis account. Jesus was addressing the inconsistencies in the Jewish religion of this time period. He encouraged people to live according to their beliefs, rather than to live in hypocrisy toward those beliefs.


Yet, I struggle to believe that humans could have evolved from an advanced primate which was not human. I realize that evolutionists teach that this occurred slowly over time. But, there still would be a dividing point from animal to human. I cannot picture this, knowing that God provides the needs for His creatures. Babies learn how to talk from their parents. A grunting primate would not have been able to teach a language to his or her human child.


I suppose if our all-loving God did evolve people that there could have been a mass awakening among colonies of already evolved primates. Their intellects could have suddenly been increased, making them capable of communicating with a language. In order to survive the elements, these advanced primates would have already had the knowledge to clothe themselves for the sake of their survival. However, I was not there when men were created. I just know that God has been recreating me in my adult life even now.



I do accept many parts of the theory of evolution as accurate. However, because of my belief in God, I do not limit how God could have created any organism. I see the fossil record as evidence of God’s creating over time from very simple creations to much more complex ones. Creatures were created to adapt to changes for two reasons. First, they would be living in a world which changes with climate fluctuations and earth movements. Second, these organisms also had to be able to defend themselves from attacks from the enemy of God. Illnesses and pestilence would become challenges to any species’ existence.


Organisms were given immune systems, the ability to heal, and other types of defenses to facilitate their survival. God also provided by giving the organisms diversity through a large enough gene pool in a population to ensure their survival. Those organisms which survived climatic changes or illnesses would adapt the species to be stronger. These survivors would pass their genes to future generations.


Profoundly, Christ’s earthly ministry was filled with stories of Christ healing people of their ailments. He also forgave these people of their sins to reassure their faith. Matthew 9:1-8 contains just one example of Christ’s healing ministry. The historic Jews believed that illness was brought to humanity as a punishment from God. Since people are not perfect, this belief can weaken faith. It can also cause people to believe that God is punishing those who are sick. Yet, the enemy of God was attacking God’s creation from the beginning. Animals and plants have also been supplied with defenses against these attacks.


In a preceding paragraph, I brought up how populations of organisms have been given diversity in their gene pools to ensure their survival. So, I have some questions about this. If one primate creature evolved into a human, then who would he or she have for a mate? What would be the likelihood that two primate creatures suddenly evolved? But, even if that were so, the lack of diversity within a population which was derived from just two parents would most likely not have resulted in a robust population to carry on life. Even by the theory of evolution, I see a need to believe in a God who could have accomplished sudden evolution in large enough populations.


Now that I have expressed my doubts about man evolving from an advanced primate creature, I have more to share about the Genesis account of creation. I have to ask, “Who did Cain have for a mate?” In Genesis 4:9-16, it claims that God drove Cain away from his home to settle east of Eden. In verse 17, he has a wife. From where did she come?


In Genesis 4:17, Cain’s descendent is listed as Enoch. After four generations, Genesis 4:19-22 lists one descendent of Enoch as Lamech. In the same verses, Lamech’s sons are listed in the following ways: “Jabal, the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock; Jubal, the father of those who play the lyre and pipe; and Tubal-cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron.” Young’s Literal Translation reads “brass,” instead of “bronze.” So, this story was not written until after the Bronze Age and during the Iron Age (1200-600 B.C.) at the earliest. If “brass” was the literal translation, then it was not written until 500 BC.


Does anyone really want to accuse God of using incestuous relationships to populate the earth based on the Genesis stories? I do not. Although it is unclear who were the mates of the first sons, the story about Lot and his daughters did include incest. Also, Christian theology teaches that all people are born into original sin from the fall in the garden. In other words, we are all descended from Adam.


Yet, is it not ironic that the experts about God could not even recognize Him when the Son of God was in their midst? Why were the scribes being warned by Jesus? (Matthew 23:13-32) What had they written which would merit being referred to as a “brood of vipers?” (Matthew 23:33) Maybe, it is not a good idea to write down stories which present a punishing God, who punishes the children for the parents’ sins. These contemporaries of Christ had descended from those who originally wrote such stories. Even so, Christ asked God for forgiveness even for those who were crucifying Him.


I was led by God years ago to make Christ my Cornerstone, meaning my foundation.* No man could have ever invented someone as perfect as the Gospel account of Christ. His teaching was wise. He was enlightened beyond our earthly state. Christ was addressing the Jewish people about their beliefs from His very first sermon, the Sermon on the Mount. The Old Testament law was highly judgmental, especially toward women.** Christ was teaching the Jews to be merciful.


This does not mean that I totally discount what is written before Christ’s teaching. Christ said that there were treasures in these scriptures. (Matthew 13:52) He also often quoted from the scriptures which we call the Old Testament. Jesus was a fulfillment of prophecies written about in the Old Testament, as well. I pray for discernment before I read the Bible.


Despite the obvious errors of these ancient men, there are treasures to be found there. For example, in a world of polytheistic religions, where people were worshipping multiple gods, the Hebrews presented a belief in a one true God, our Creator. Also, their writings show a denouncement of human sacrifice which was prevalent throughout the world in ancient times. These were truthful revelations in the dark history of earth. But, slavery is always wrong. In order, for people to have evolved, we had to come away from an acceptance of slavery.


Furthermore, we were born into a temporary existence. Death was present in the fossil record before men were created. It was not supposed to be perceived as a punishment. In John 12:24, Christ even compared death to germination. Death was intended to be a passage from this life into our eternity. In God’s will, we freely choose love. We are sorry for our failures against love, and we willingly join Him in heaven.


I easily retain my faith in the Creator God despite having questions about mankind’s beginnings. In John 16:12-13, Christ told His disciples that there were many more things which Christ wished to reveal to them. He spoke of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, becoming our teacher. So, all things were not revealed at the time when Christ visited earth. Knowledge has increased. Literacy has increased to a majority throughout the world, as well.


During Christ’s earthly ministry, He also taught something which was relevant about mankind’s beginnings. He told the people of Israel that He was from above and that they were from the earth (John 8:23). For this reason, I believe that people were created in one of two ways. Either, they were created from the dust of the earth, or they were evolved into humans.


For me, it is possible that God could have created a colony of people from the dust. These people could have been woken up with a knowledge of how to live a life. Or, as I wrote in a preceding paragraph, God could have increased the intellects of already evolved primates to become the first homo sapiens. My peace comes from the knowledge that I do not have to have all of the answers about mankind’s origination. I worship a humble God of love. I prefer to be humble about what I do not know.


However, there are some things about which I am sure. I am quite sure that God is all good. Christ is a perfect reflection of God the Father. So, I cannot believe that God would use incestuous relationships to populate the earth from just two people. In our ignorance of God, the plan of family has been the most convincing way for us to learn about God and about why we are here. Our children are supposed to be created within a relationship of love. God would not have used father and daughter or brother and sister to multiply people on the earth. Incest produces birth defects and genetic diseases. It is also an abomination toward ordered family relationships.


I believe that we have a Heavenly Father who sent His Son Jesus to earth to save us from our worldly state. We were born with a capacity to love. Yet, we have failed to love perfectly throughout our lives because we need God’s help. Also, He sends His Holy Spirit to teach us and to convert us into more loving beings. God has been creating me throughout my life. I am a better person now, than I used to be. But, I still struggle. I keep praying. God keeps helping me to grow. God is definitely my Creator. However, He never resorts to evil to accomplish good. It is my desire to “hallow” the name of our Heavenly Father.


*Isaiah 28:16; Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; I Peter 2:6-7.

**Leviticus 12:2-5

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