Whether you believe that Jesus was the Son of God or not, the teaching of Christ changed religion in our world. Throughout most of the earth, cultures had practiced a common religion without allowing dissent. Thus, to reject traditional religious beliefs could mean expulsion. Also, ancient religions had another common aspect. There was a special person who acted as a mediator between the people and the spirit world. In polytheistic beliefs, there was a shaman. In Judaism, only their High Priest could enter the “Holy of Holies” to come into the presence of God. And then, the teaching of Christ transformed religion.


About two thousand years ago, a Jewish carpenter began to teach His countrymen about God. Christ began His ministry as a young man of thirty. He slept on the ground with His disciples, as they traveled between villages.1 However, People were drawn to Jesus to hear His wisdom.2 He had no microphone to amplify His voice. Yet, thousands of people would gather to hear Him. Christ taught the people about love and faith. He healed the sick;3 He raised the dead.4


When Christ sent His disciples out, they were instructed to teach, to heal, and to deliver those who were being tormented by spirits.5 However, they were advised to only go where they were welcomed.6 Therefore, the Christian Faith was not mandated by its founder. God gives us a free will. Christ’s teaching was consistent with this fact. Yet, Ancient Rome was tolerant, but this was an exception in the ancient world. Obviously, the Romans were tolerant to prevent rebellion from those whom they had conquered. Christ’s teaching was not for ulterior motives. Also, Christ showed tolerance to people of different beliefs.


Jesus taught His followers to worship God with the confidence that God loves us like a father. During His first sermon, Christ instructed His followers to pray what is historically called the “Our Father.”7 Suddenly, people were to make their requests for forgiveness directly to God. We were taught to regard God as our Heavenly Father. This teaching removed the fear which had been propagated by spiritual men of the past. It changed people’s perceptions of a terrifying God into one of a Heavenly Father. People knew that their earthly fathers were willing to forgive them. This relationship increased people’s faith in God’s mercy.


In His first sermon, Christ also instructed the Jews to only ask for good things for others. Also, He pointed out that God caused the sun to rise even on the very wicked. We were instructed to forgive those who had injured us and to ask for God’s blessings on others.8 So, Christ’s teaching contrasted with Old Testament men, such as, Noah or David, who both had asked God for punishments for their enemies.9 Also, Christ’s teaching contrasted with sorcery.


Christ never condoned sorcery because He was faithful and humble before God the Father. Those who practice sorcery suppose that they know what is best for others. They attempt to force their desires on others through the spirit world.


However, God gives people a free will. Obviously, Christ was aware of this. Therefore, He taught us to humbly ask the Father for good things for others and for our own needs with faith. Whenever we made a request of God, we were supposed to be open to the will of God. God does not need a boss; He does not need for humans to tell Him what to do. Our Creator is above us in both power and knowledge. So, Jesus taught us to ask for our requests from the Father with the phrase, “Thy will be done.”10 We were to leave our hearts and minds open to the will of God, knowing that He knew what was best.


After only three years of His public ministry, Jesus became a martyr for this new religion. The leadership of His own people’s religion demanded this. So, Christ was accused of blasphemy for addressing God as His Father, and He was crucified for teaching this faith.11 Christians believe that Christ resurrected.12 Also, Christians believe that Jesus will resurrect them to live in paradise with their God.13 This is why Christians joyfully share this good news to a sometimes-hostile world.


Ancient Rome went on to embrace this new religion by mandate. This act made Christianity into a state religion. Because the vast majority of Europeans were illiterate in historic times, many were exploited. Sadly, their tyrannical authorities used them to conquer, due to their lack of knowledge. As literacy improved, their descendants understood that God was a peaceful God. Consequently, many Christians eventually practiced Christianity with a conviction about God’s mercy for all people. Christians derived their desire for tolerance from God and from the teaching of Jesus Christ.


So, just these few teachings impacted the world’s religious practice. Many countries now allow freedom of religion, or they promote tolerance of other beliefs within their borders. Christianity has helped to influence the rest of the world into becoming more tolerant. Christians, which represent the largest religion in the world today, pray directly to their Heavenly Father with faith. Many Christians also heed the call to be merciful to others, even their enemies, because of the teaching of Christ.

1Matthew 8:19-20

2Matthew 22:15-22

3Matthew 4:23-24

4John 11:11-15, 38-45

5Matthew 10:7-9

6Luke 10:10-11

7Matthew 6:9-13

8Matthew 5:43-45

9Genesis 9:24-25; Psalm 55:12-15

10Matthew 6:10

11Matthew 26:63-66

12Luke 24:1-9

13Luke 23:39-43