What is evolved governance? Archaeologists speak of “evolved” cultures growing out of tribal cultures. They marvel over the complexity of ancient cultures which have created large cities, often through what appeared to be slave labor. I think it is useful to understand that the college and university system for westerners began in Medieval Europe (late 5th century-late 15th century) which had been influenced by the tyranny and social structure of the Roman Empire.


The upper class was the educated class. Their class system held all of the advantages for their group. I believe that some of today’s academics’ perceptions about what is “evolved” have been biased by this historic acceptance of the class system. Class systems always favor an aristocracy over the working class. Their excitement about these “evolved” ancient cultures, exhibiting a complexity in their social structure, really does overlook the exploitation of the majority of these ancient people.


When you consider the biological term “evolved,” it is important to comprehend the scientific meaning of what is an example of an evolved species. The term means that the species has adapted to its environment in the best possible way to sustain the species. The members of the species are strong and healthy because they are well adapted to their environment.


If we consider ants or bees, they resemble ancient tyranny so much that they have a “queen” which is the most important anchor of these colonies. She is the only female who reproduces to sustain the species. All of the efforts of the drones, soldiers, or workers accomplish this goal of sustaining the colony for its queen. However, she alone reproduces the offspring to sustain the colony. That is fine for insects, but higher animals live in a much different social structure.


Wolf packs are composed of a sole mating pair, the alpha male and alpha female, with other members of the pack all working toward the good of the pack and its dependent offspring. Young wolves and aging wolves work as a unit to serve the family of the alpha mating pair. This is how this species best sustains life. They are pack hunters which rely on each other to survive. As young males and females mature, they go on to form their own wolf packs, also partaking in reproducing their species.


Other higher animals, such as, primates, live in various social structures, including family units of monogamous mates (gibbons), family groups of polygamous harems (gorillas), and large groups of promiscuous members (chimpanzees). These family or social groups work as a unit to sustain their species. In all of these primate examples, the mature members of their species continue to reproduce. There are no slaves. Likewise, all members of the species contribute to their individual survival.


So, these ancient tyrannies which have been marveled over by some academics have actually fallen quite short of being evolved examples of social structures. For example, ancient Romans had an average life span of thirty years. The people of the working class of many ancient cultures were exploited by the ruling class. The slaves were exploited even more so, than the working class by the ruling aristocracy who held the power in many of these ancient cultures.


After their monarch was deposed, ancient Rome claimed to have a representative government. However, this was just their ruling aristocracy composing their senate. When the Plebes (working class) rebelled, they were given a small voice until ancient Rome was overtaken by emperors with absolute power. The influential senate was retained, but the working-class Plebes were eliminated from having a voice. Rather than serve their people as many chiefs aspired to do, Rome’s ancient rulers aspired to be served, receiving compensation in multiple ways from the labors of others.


The workers of ancient tyrannies often had to pay heavy tributes to the rulers from crops raised or from other forms of income. The aristocracy owned the shops which profited from the labors of others by purchasing goods at a minimal cost from workers to sell at a premium to their own peers. Most of the famous artists of history also lived in poverty. Their works, which bring millions at auctions today, were usually not bought for a reasonable price during their lifetimes.


So, the craftsmen and artisans of historic times were denied a just compensation for their work. Farmers often did not own their own property, either. And, slaves did not even own their own body. This historic and ancient oppression of mankind certainly did nothing positive to sustain the human species. It certainly was not evolved behavior for the human species by comparison to other higher animals.


However, the King of kings, Jesus Christ, gave mankind an example of how to conduct themselves. He served as a carpenter in His early life. God builds things through people. Jesus did not hire laborers to build for Him. He worked as a carpenter Himself. Then, he served humanity by healing and by bringing a message of love about God. So, God is a working manager. The son of God did not come to earth to be served, but rather to serve.


I was blessed to have a working manager as a father in my own family. He would humble himself to assist his employees in their work. Everything that he asked his employees to do, he was willing to do himself. He made his own little orange grove in which he did the manual labor when he came home from managing others. I admired my dad for being such a hardworking man. He lived to be eighty-nine.


Some may marvel at the term “King of kings” in reference to Christ and think that this is a Divine endorsement of monarchies. However, I believe that the story of King Herod found in Matthew 2:1-18 is a pretty big denouncement of monarchies. Herod sent his soldiers to viciously slaughter all infants and toddlers in Bethlehem, with the hope of killing the Christ child. The term “King of kings” is stating a reality about the Son of God. It means that even kings answer to God.


Of all the types of governments which have existed on earth, the one’s which include tyrants of various forms would certainly not be evolved. Our creator gave mankind a free will. Tyrants contradict this reality. A government which represents all of its people is the only type of government which would be an example of a Godly choice.


People were created to have freedom, not to be ruled over by self-serving people who have no desire to share in the workload. In order to survive, all creatures must produce, rather than drain the life out of those who are willing to do their share of the workload. Authorities should serve their people, rather than exploit them to serve themselves.


Further, laws should only be made for the purpose of keeping the peace. They should be mercifully enforced. Tyrants make laws for the common people while they hypocritically ignore those rules for themselves and for members of their elite group.


So, why has mankind so often allowed the most lawless members of their group to retain power? It may be because humans are predisposed to be loving. Most loving people cannot comprehend the amount of evil which can come through deceitful, self-serving rulers.


When a government is truly evolved, it will serve all of its people. This government will also respect the rights of foreigners in other countries, rather than force its own people to build an empire by conquering. Evolved governments will nurture their people, in order, to ensure their population’s survival. The human species will be sustained from a truly evolved form of governance. Humans will flourish, like other species, when they are freed from tyrants.